$\Sigma=\left \{ a,b,c \right \}$.
For a string $w\in \Sigma^*$, $Drop_a(w)$ is the string $w$ after we remove all occurrences of "a" from it.
The question asks to show that if $L$ is a regular language, then $L'=\left \{w : w\cdot Drop_a(w)\in L \right \}$ is a regular language.
What I tried
$L$ is regular, thus $L=L(A):A=(\Sigma,Q,q_0,F,\delta_A)$
$Drop_a(L)=L(B) :B=(\Sigma,Q,q_0,F,\delta_B)$ s.t
$\delta_B(q,\sigma)=\delta_A(q,\sigma) , q\in Q,\sigma \in\left \{ b,c \right \}$
$\delta_B(q,\varepsilon)=\delta_A(q,a), q\in Q$
For each $p,q\in Q$, let $A_{p,q}$ be the automaton $A$, except that initial state is $p$ and final state is $q$.
Finally, we can use the closure properties of regular languages: $$L'=L(A)\cap\left \{ \bigcup_{\begin{matrix} q\in Q\\ f\in F \end{matrix}}L(A_{q_0,q})\cup L(B_{q,f}) \right \}$$
(This is my attempt to use the technique @Hendrik Jan used to answer this post.)
Alternatively, $L'=L(A)\cap\left \{ L(A)\cdot L(B) \right \}$
I can't decide if any of this attempts is correct.