I'm trying to create an algorithm to figure out a path visiting every single node in a graph (undirected and unweighted) - similar to the traveling salesman problem, but I can visit a node multiple times. I can't use brute force mainly because there's 299 nodes.
Furthermore, this is special because every point is connected to every other point - there's 44551 paths. I've seen people recommending the Floyd-Warshall algorithm to help optimize each node pair connection, but I don't think it applies in this case because each point is already connected to every other point.
If anyone can tell me how to start, that would be great! Or if someone can help me modify an existing TSP algorithm to solve this problem. Also, Python is the language I'm using, mainly because of the networkx library
Edit: forgot to mention that I don't need to only make roads to the nodes - for example, if nodes 1, 2, and 3 form an equilateral triangle, TSP says the shortest distance is to go from 1-2-3-1 along the edges, but I can use Fermat Points to make the distance smaller (3 units vs sqrt3 units) - sorry if this sounds a bit incoherent