Note: This is a continuation of my previous question, found here
As written, my previous question was too unconstrained: @BaderAbuRadi showed that depending on the $C$ chosen, there can be multiple valid assignments that all have the same sums, no matter the $f$ chosen.
To remedy this (and to avoid endless UPDATES to the previous question), I want to add an additional constraint on $C$: for a given $a$, there is exactly one $y \in T$ where $C(a,y)=1$; similarly, for a given value of $b$, there is exactly one value of $x \in A$ there $C(x,b)=1$.
The motivation behind these two questions is an attempt at solving the formalization of a problem where you are trying to line a group of objects in a pre-determined sequence, but you are only told how many objects are in the correct locations (it's like Wordle, but if all squares are either yellow or green, and you only know how many squares are green, but not which squares are green. You could also think of this as a modified version of the Mastermind game, where there are no white pegs (this was brought up in a comment by @justhalf in the original question)).
My Approach:
Building off the "it's Wordle" approach, one (not neccessarily optimal) approach is to simply enumerate all possible sequences, and as guesses are made, remove any sequence that does not match the "scores" provided so far. Guesses should be chosen so that is eliminates the largest number of possible sequences.