It can be solved in $O(NKB\lg N)$ time with a dynamic programming algorithm, where $B$ is the number of bits in each array element. (For example, in your contest, $B \le 30$.)
Problem statement
We can reformulate the problem as follows:
Partition the array $A[1..N]$ into $K$ consecutive subarrays, such that the length of each subarray is a multiple of $K-1$ plus one; we will compute the bitwise OR of all elements in each subarray, then sum those $K$ values, and the goal is to minimize the sum.
Naive dynamic programming algorithm
Let $S[i,j]$ denote the minimum possible sum if you partition $A[1..i]$ into $j$ consecutive subarrays. Then you can compute a recurrence relation for $S[\cdot,\cdot]$, i.e.,
$$S[i,j] = \min \{S[i',j-1] + (A[i'+1]\oplus \cdots \oplus A[i]) \mid i' < i, i'-i \equiv 1 \pmod{K-1}\}.$$
Filling in this array in the naive way takes $O(N^2 \lg N)$ time. In particular, we can compute $A[i'+1]\oplus \cdots \oplus A[i]$ in $O(\lg N)$ time by precomputing a balanced binary tree of the $N$ elements of the array $A[1..N]$, with each leaf corresponding to an array element and each node of the tree is augmented with the bitwise OR of all array elements corresponding to the leaves under that node. Then computing $S[i,j]$ involves computing the min over $N/(K-1)=O(N/K)$ values, and each value can be computed in $\lg N$ time, so it takes $O((N/K) \lg N)$ time to compute each $S[i,j]$, and there are $NK$ entries in $S$, so the total running time of this naive algorithm is $O(N^2 \lg N)$.
Faster algorithm
We can optimize the above algorithm, by introducing a clever way to compute $S[i,j]$ in $O(B\lg N)$ time. Then the total running time will be $O(NKB\lg N)$, as claimed above.
To help us derive this optimization, let's look at the following sequence of values:
$$A[i], A[i-1] \oplus A[i], A[i-2] \oplus A[i-1] \oplus A[i], \dots, A[1] \oplus \cdots \oplus A[i].$$
Even though the sequence might be very long (up to $N$ entries), I claim it only contains at most $B$ distinct values -- so there are a lot of repeats. Also, it is a monotonically increasing sequence. In particular, each element of this sequence is either the same as the preceding value; or the same as the preceding value but with some additional bit positions set. Once a bit position becomes set, it stays set for all subsequent values in this sequence. So the sequence has the form
for some $m\le B$. We will find the indices of each entry in this sequence that is different (larger than) its preceding entry. This can be done with binary search. We do $m \le B$ binary searches. Each binary search requires at most $\lg N$ iterations, and computing each value in the sequence takes $O(\lg N)$ time (using the binary tree trick above), so the total running time to find all of these indices is $O(B (\lg N)^2)$. By making the binary search traverse the binary tree, you can reduce the running time to $O(B \lg N)$.
Now, we are considering all values of $S[i',j-1] + (A[i'+1]\oplus \cdots \oplus A[i])$ for all $i'$. It is easy to see that $S[i',j-1]$ is an increasing function of $i'$. We have shown above that $(A[i'+1]\oplus \cdots \oplus A[i])$ is a decreasing function of $i'$ with at most $B$ different places where it changes value. It follows that the minimum possible value of $S[i',j-1] + (A[i'+1]\oplus \cdots \oplus A[i])$ must occur at one of these changepoints (since $S[i',j-1]$ is an increasing function of $i'$, we want to consider the smallest $i'$ out of an entire stretch where $(A[i'+1]\oplus \cdots \oplus A[i])$ has the same value). We indicates above that we can compute the changepoints in $O(B \lg N)$ time, and we also obtain the value of $A[i'+1]\oplus \cdots \oplus A[i]$ at each changepoint for free. Therefore, it suffices to evaluate $S[i',j-1] + (A[i'+1]\oplus \cdots \oplus A[i])$ at each of these $\le B$ changepoints.
All in all, for a given value of $i,j$, it takes $O(B \lg N)$ time to find all the changepoints, compute the values at the changepoints, and compute the minimum. So for each $i,j$ we can compute $S[i,j]$ in $O(B \lg N)$ time. There are $O(NK)$ entries $S[i,j]$ to compute. Therefore, the total running time is $O(NKB \lg N)$, as claimed above.