I have two algorithms $P, Q$ for solving the same problem (a decision problem on sequences in $R^n$) and I want to decide if they differ in any meaningful way. The following describes the constraints:
- $P,Q$ always halt on a defined, finite set of inputs $S \subset R^n$ and provide the same output (they compute the same function).
- For all inputs $s \in S$, both $P,Q$ perform the same operations.
- For all inputs $s \in S$, both $P,Q$ perform the same number of operations.
- For all inputs $s \in S$, both $P,Q$ use the same amount of memory.
For me (someone who doesn't have a background in algorithms), this seems like a reasonable notion of equality between $P,Q$ over $S$. Are there cases of two algorithms that satisfy these constraints yet differ in some meaningful way?