For integers, we have unsigned integers to represent positive integers, including zero, and we have signed integers to represent negative and positive. There are always trade-offs between them.
For example, an 8-bit unsigned integer has a range value between [0, 255]
; it can be cast into a signed integer version, hence the value has a range with an interval [-128, 127]
, making the maximum absolute value reduced by half.
This is the same for float32, for example, that is represented by IEEE754; the trade-off lies in the allocation between the mantissa bit and the exponent bit. Where the allocation for float32 is like the picture below:
If we allocate the mantissa with higher space, for example, 30- bits, leaving the exponent bit to the 1 bit, then we have a higher granularity of computation precision. But in trade-off, the lower maximum absolute range.
This is crucial for machine learning, data science, deep learning, or similar fields, where the min-max normalization with a range [0,1]
or [-1,1]
is commonly used. If we use a standard float and play with the normalization value, we are sure there is no out-of-bounds value (there is no data manipulation that leads to underflow by -1 and overflow by 1). We have unused information in the bit level. It's the most significant bit of the exponent bit!
So, let's say I define the ufloat32
type to represent an unsigned 32-bit float operation that has a range [0, 1]. We performed an illegal or out-of-bounds addition instruction like the example below:
ufloat32 a = 0.5312523213
ufloat32 b = 0.999999
a + b //returning overflow error
This is analogous to:
uint8 a = 250
uint8 b = 255
a + b // overflow
This makes me wonder if the vanishing/exploding gradient problem in deep learning actually comes from the practical rather than the theoretical due to loss of information at the bit level.
So, is there such a floating point standard that maximizes mantissa representation for precision granularity rather than scientific notation?
I imagine in the higher level of the numpy
library in Python, there is such a dtype: np.ufloat64
and np.ifloat64