Given a non-deterministic push down automata (we define "accept" here using accept states), if we assume any operation popping from the stack and checking if the top of the stack contains some symbol can succeed (i.e. "getting rid" of the stack), we get a non-deterministic finite automata.
If we convert two such PDAs, whose languages recognized are the same, and assuming all states are reachable, to NFAs in this fashion, are the languages recognized by the NFAs still the same?
Here's a simple example. Consider the language $\{a^n b^n : n \in \mathbb{N}\}$. Here's one simple PDA for it. The PDA has two states, $q_0,q_1$. When it is in state $q_0$ and it reads the symbol $a$ on the input tape, it pushes $A$ on the stack and remains in state $q_0$. When it reads the symbol $b$ on the input table and the stack is non-empty, it pops whatever is on the stack and moves to state $q_1$. The PDA accepts if the stack is empty at the end of the input string. If we convert this PDA to a NFA, we get a NFA with two states $q_0,q_1$ and transitions $q_0 \stackrel{a}{\to} q_0$, $q_0 \stackrel{b}{\to} q_1$, $q_1 \stackrel{b}{\to} q_1$. This NFA accepts the language $a^* b^*$. There are other ways to build a PDA for the language $\{a^n b^n : n \in \mathbb{N}\}$; if we apply the same conversion to them, does the corresponding NFA always accept the language $a^* b^*$?