A fundamental question about mathematics
This answer was reorganized after the OP gave more precisions as to
the meaning and intent of his question. I also comment other answers
here, as it is awkward to do so in the usual comment format. Commenting them also gives extra insight into the relevant issues.
In a nutshell
Your intuition is quite correct that the empty string plays a special
role in the study of strings and formal languages, and that is the
reason why it is often given a special name or notation. Strings over
a given set of symbols form an algebraic structure called a monoid,
with the concatenation operation which has a neutral element: the
empty string. See the answer by J.-E. Pin.
You are also correct that there could be many other notations or
representation for it. The choice of representation is dictated by
convenience, perspicuity and simplification of discourse, reasoning
and computation.
One such convenience, as you rightfully wonder, is having a uniform
notation for all strings, including the empty string. This can be
achieved in several ways, whether on paper or in the
computer. Terminating strings with a special symbol supposed not to
belong to the set of symbols included in the strings is one way of
doing it. I guess this is what you suggest with EOL. This was done
some 45 years ago by Denis Ritchie for the programming language C,
except that he used the byte 0, also noted NUL or ^@, rather than EOL.
In text it can be done with surrounding quotes, or with a final
turnstyle $\dashv$. Note however that while the $\dashv$ alone will
denote the empty string, it terminates then all strings, which is not
the case for the use of the letter ε. They do not play exactly the
same syntactic role.
In principle, such a termination symbol as EOL, ^@ or $\dashv$ cannot
be also a symbol belonging to a string, unless you add more complex
representation mechanisms.
In the computer, the null reference string could be used to represent
the empty string. Otherwise it is only a programming concept that has
nothing to do with the abstract concept of string.
However your question was a bit confusing and not too well
stated. Talking of a "separate concept" hints at semantic issues
rather than syntactic reresentation. And you were mixing textual,
printed representations, which use εbut not EOL, with computer
representation which do the opposite.
With many more details
This is a strange question. In its way, it also raises one or two fundamental
issues about mathematics.
Understanding such issues is non obvious, as witnessed by the
inadequacies of some answers given by obviously competent users, and
the inadequacies of the question itself. This is what attracted me to
this question.
These two issues are concerned with :
The second issue, which has to do with semantics, has probably been
addressed by logicians, and possibly by historians of science. But I
do not recall seeing it formally addressed (or possibly I did not
recognized it).
A confusion between syntax and semantics probably arose from the fact
that the OP talks of a "separate concept" where he should rather
talk of a "separate notation". Such a mistake is probably fair in
his case as he is trying to understand issues. But it further confused some
users who answered, clearly Yuval Filmus and myself, as we took the word
"concept" for what it is supposed to mean.
About Semantics
I realize now that the next paragraph is not about the question you
intended; but it is the question you wrote, and which is to be understood as
semantics, and was by several people, while you meant syntax (to be addressed in
the syntax part below).
Let's start with your
question "Why do you need a separate concept, that of 'empty string'?", which I understood as: "could we use strings, in theory and in programming, without ever considering the empty string?", as apparently did Yuval Filmus.
The fact is, we often do not need the empty string, but it is generally more convenient to have it. Most of the theory could probably be developed
without ever considering empty strings. After all, a lot of
arithmetics was developed by the Greeks without considering
zero as a number. Zero was introduced syntactically and semantically
only a few centuries later in India. Extending the number system is not just introducing new
concepts, but also a way of simplifying the understanding and use of
old concepts. Introducing zero and the negative numbers made it easier
to understand the properties of the natural positive numbers, and so
on. Some properties of functions on the reals (such as convergence of
series) are much easier to analyze and understand when you consider
the extension to complex numbers.
So introducing new concepts and extensions in mathematics is often a
good way of making theories simpler (and usually more powerful for
expressing problems).
Introducing the empty string along with "natural strings" will
simplify theories built on strings, and that is good enough a reason.
Typically, as stated in other answers, having the empty string enables
us to consider strings as representatives (models) of well known
algebraic structures (monoids), and apply directly all known results
about such structures. Indeed, as noted by J.-E. Pin, the empty string
is directly related to the concatenation operation on strings (and I
would add, in the same way that zero is related to the addition of
We do not or may not need the empty string, but it is a lot more
convenient to do mathematics with it than without it. And this is also
true of programming (which is a form of mathematics aiming at producing
constructive proofs).
A matter of consistency
However I disagree with the answer of Yuval Filmus regarding the
effect of not allowing for the concept of an empty string, in the same
way that the Greeks would not consider a number zero. Introducing zero
as a new number would not have been acceptable if it had changed the
known results of arithmetics. At best it would have been considered a
different theory, with its own purpose.
Similarly, a theory of strings should give consistent results whether it allows for the empty string or not. But both approaches should use
consistent definitions for that to be apparent and meaningful, and Yuval Filmus did
not do that.
When the empty string is allowed, the usual definition of prefix is:
A string u is a prefix of a string v iff there is a string w such that
where the dot denotes the string concatenation. This allows for a
string being a prefix of itself by taking w=ε (the empty string). Then you can define:
A string u is a proper prefix of a string v iff it is a
prefix of v and not equal to v.
However, when the empty string is not allowed, you have to state these
definitions consistently, but differently. For example:
A string u is a proper prefix of a string v iff there is a
string w such that u.w=v
Note that w must have at least one symbol. Then you can define:
A string u is a prefix of a string v iff u is a proper prefix of
v or u=v.
With such consistent definitions, a word remains a prefix of itself,
even when the empty string is not allowed in the theory.
So the point to be made is not that not allowing the empty
string changes the properties of strings (at least not in such a
trivial way) as asserted by Yuval Filmus. The point is much more that it makes the study of
strings more complicated, in the same way that arithmetics is more
complicated when you cannot talk of zero.
About Syntax
The second issue is syntactic. How should strings be represented, on
paper or in the computer. In particular, assuming we agree that it is useful to have the concept of an empty string, how should it be represented syntactically so that we can talk or write about it.
The question actually arises for all mathematical concepts: how should
they be represented so that we can talk or write about them, and do so
as conveniently as possible. Much of the evolution of mathematics is
also related to improvement of syntax, of the representation of
concepts. A trivial example is the awkwardness of doing arithmetics
with the ancient Roman representation of integers.
A first answer regarding the empty string is that you may want that to
be consistent with the representation of other strings. Typically, the
representation of a string will include the sequence of symbols in the
strings plus some additional notation, such as quotes : "gattaca" for
example. It then becomes quite natural to represent the empty string
as "".
If you rather represent the above example as gattaca$\dashv$, then the
natural representation for the empty string is $\dashv$ (as noted implicitly by David Richerby).
So the question about the need to introduce a separate notation
(rather than a separate concept, as actually written) has a negative
answer. No, it is not needed. Uniform notation, uniform
representation, is possible for all strings, including the empty
However, if you simply represent the string by the sequence of included
symbols, such as gattaca, with no other characters, then the empty string would become
invisible syntactically, which is rather inconvenient. Then it is
necessary to introduce some specific notation, such as the Greek
letter ε or some other name.
Similarly, when studying strings abstractedly, it is a bit awkward to use "" to
represent the empty string, if only because it does not make for nice
and clear sentences in oral speech, when scientists talk to each
other, which is supposed to happen on occasion. Hence it is nicer to
give it a name. Saying empty string might do, but is awkward in
writing. Hence the habit of using a single letter symbol as is often
done in mathematics to denote entities of specific relevance,
The suggestion to represent the empty word by EOL is essentially the
same as representing it by $\dashv$. It is simply a representation of
strings with a special terminating character. EOL is just a special character
"somehow available in computers".
As noted above for Roman integer arithmetics, the choice of a representation should be
dictated by convenience, expecially in an algorithmic
environment. There are many way to represent strings in general, and
the empty string in particular, in the computer. From a theoretical
standpoint, it does not matter much which you choose. From a practical
standpoint, it is essential to choose one that will make string
operations and manipulation more efficient. This is a basic issue in
any class on algorithms and data structures.
On the confusion of syntax and semantics
The answer by David Richerby is interesting for its confusion of
syntax and semantics.
He tries to introduce the syntactic use of EOL suggested in the question, which he
replaces by the symbol $\dashv$, but he strangely mixes it with the
definition of the semantic domain of strings, making what is supposed
to be only a notation part of that semantic domain.
His second definition should actually have been the following:
An alphabet is a finite set $\Sigma$ of symbols. A
string $s$ over the alphabet $\Sigma$ is a finite
sequence of $\ell$ symbols $s_i$, where $0\le\ell$, $1\le i\le \ell$ and
$s_i\in\Sigma$ for all values of $i$. It is noted $s_1\dots
s_\ell\dashv$ where $\dashv$ is a special character not denoting a
symbol in $\Sigma$. We write $|s|$ for the length of
$s$, defined by $|s_1\dots s_\ell\dashv|=\ell$. A substring of $s_1\dots
s_\ell\dashv$ is any string $s_i\dots s_j\dashv$, where $1\leq i\leq
j\leq \ell$. The concatenation of strings $s_1\dots s_\ell\dashv$
and $t_1\dots t_m\dashv$ is the string $s_1\dots s_\ell t_1\dots
t_m\dashv$ of length $\ell+m$.
Note that as a consequence, the unique string of length
zero is denoted $\dashv$.
This definition is just a notational variant of the conventional
definition given by David Richerby. It does not introduce any
complexity or "extra fiddliness" and changes nothing to automata
theory, for the simple reason that $\dashv$ is part of the notation,
not a symbol in the strings. And it does give a uniform notation for
all strings, including the empty one.
Yuval Filmus makes a similar error in his second remark, since EOL is
intended as a syntactic notational device for representing strings,
not as a symbol in strings, while $\{0,1\}$ concerns the list of
symbols that can constitute strings, semantically.
To summarize answers
J.-E. Pin's answer is quite correct, but it addresses only one part of the
question, regarding the importance of the empty string. It does not address
the possibility of a uniform notation.
The answers of Yuval Filmus and David Richerby confusing syntax and
semantics, thus erroneously rejecting the suggestion of the OPś
question to use EOL. Also Yuval Filmus'argument to assert the semantic
importance of the empty string is very disputable. Though it deos make some sense, David Richerby's remark on the use of the null reference is also somewhat unwarranted: it could well be used to represent the empty string, provided the code is written accordingly.
The answer by Pseudonym is theoretical overkill regarding the
importance of the empty string in formal language, but does not
actually discuss the issues raised by the question.
As for my own answer, I can only hope it addresses adequately the issues
and contains no error, but it is far far too long.