I have a little understanding problem with Appendix A ("Universal Codes") in the paper "Shannon Information and Kolmogorov complexity" by Gründwald and Vitanyi (Link).
At the end of page 50, they say something corresponding to:
For each Prefix-code, the fraction of sequences of length $n$ that can be compressed by more than $m$ bits is less than $2^{-m}$.
Either this is a writing mistake or I should make a break from reading.
It is easy to see, that the number of strings with length $n$ and compression length smaller than $m$ is smaller $2^{m-n}$ for a prefix-code because there are simple not enough "shorter" words.. Did they mean this information?
It is also easy to understand, that the Kraft-Inequality $\sum_{x\in X}2^{-l(x)}\leq1$ holds for a prefix code with source word set $X$ and the compression length $l(x)$ for strings $x\in X$.
Is that only a writing mistake? Respectively can you tell me an explanation?