I am working on a pumping lemma question and trying to prove that the following is not regular, but I can't finish the proof, if someone can help me it will be great.
So I am given this language: $L = \{ a^n | n = 3^k , k≥0 \}$ . Ok. I choose $w = a^{3^m}$. I know for sure that $y = a^t$ ($y$ must be any number or $a$'s), where $t≥1$. $x = a^{(3^m)-t}$ and $y = a^t$. I pump twice, so $i =2$ and $xy = a^{(3^m)+t}$.
Now, is this enough to finish the proof? What is my $xyz$? and how do I prove that my $w$ is not in the language? Thank you so much for whoever decide to help me out!