Here is a well-known problem.
Given an array $A[1\dots n]$ of positive integers, output the smallest positive integer not in the array.
The problem can be solved in $O(n)$ space and time: read the array, keep track in $O(n)$ space whether $1,2,\dots,n+1$ occured, scan for smallest element.
I noticed you can trade space for time. If you have $O(\frac{n}{k})$ memory only, you can do it in $k$ rounds and get time $O(k n)$. In a special case, there is obviously constant-space quadratic-time algorithm.
My question is:
Is this the optimal tradeoff, i.e. does $\operatorname{time} \cdot \operatorname{space} = \Omega(n^2)$? In general, how does one prove such type of bounds?
Assume RAM model, with bounded arithmetic and random access to arrays in O(1).
Inspiration for this problem: time-space tradeoff for palindromes in one-tape model (see for example, here).