I'm trying to figure out which language can be recognized in this automaton
Automata http://cdn.imghack.se/images/64b81d259a1d403b810dd9744dc222f7.jpg
According to Wikipedia here "The language L ⊆ Σ* recognized by an automaton is the set of all the words that are accepted by the automaton."
So using what Wikipedia states and knowing that this automaton is a finite state automaton, I would dare to say that this automaton accepts regular languages.
If I would use M to define this automaton then I could say:
The language recognized by M is the regular language given by a certain regular expression.
But I'm having a a hard time figuring out the regular expression.
I'm not sure of about this but here is what I think the regular expression looks like
$$ L = (a|b)(a|b)^*a^* $$
I would appreciate any help in this matter