Basically, the problem I am solving is this. Initially, the array $A$ is empty. Then I am given data to fill the array and at any time I have to make a query to print the $|A|/3$-th largest element inserted so far.
I was solving the problem with segment trees, but I am not able to make a little modification to the query function of the segment tree. The query function that I wrote returns the largest element between indices $a_{\text{begin}}$ and $a_{\text{end}}$:
int query(int Nodenumber,int t_begin,int t_end,int a_begin,int a_end)
if (t_begin>=a_begin && t_end<=a_end)
return Tree[Nodenumber];
int mid=((t_begin+t_end)/2);
int res = -1;
if (mid>=a_begin && t_begin<=a_end)
res = max(res,query(2*Nodenumber,t_begin,mid,a_begin,a_end));
if (t_end>=a_begin && mid+1<=a_end)
res = max(res,query(2*Nodenumber+1,mid+1,t_end,a_begin,a_end));
return res;
Note to make a query, I call the query function as query(1,0,N-1,QA,QB)
But I want to return the $|A|/3$-th largest element between indices $a_{\text{begin}}$ and $a_{\text{end}}$. So how should I modify the function to do this?
So updating, queries, updating, queries, updating, queries and so on are done randomly and several (upto $10^5$) times.
So, for solving the problem, did I pick the right data structure? I thought of using heaps, but that will be too slow, as I would have to pop $|A|/3$ elements from the top and reinsert them for every query.