
Say we have two proposers (P1, P2), one acceptor (A), and two learners (L1, L2).

What would prevent this sequence of events from occurring?

  1. P1 initiates a round numbered 1. A agrees to participate, and reports that is has not voted on any proposals.
  2. P2 initiates a round numbered 2. A agrees to participate, and reports that is has not voted on any proposals.
  3. P1 asks A to vote for some value v1 in round 1.
  4. A accepts v1 and tries to notify learners. L1 receives the message and declares that v1 is chosen.
  5. P2 asks A to vote for some value v2 in round 2.
  6. A accepts v2 and tries to notify learners. L2 receives the message and declares that v2 is chosen.

1 Answer 1


I'll assume this is Basic Paxos. Step (4) cannot occur - the acceptor A maintains in nonvolatile memory the largest promise it has made (the highest round it has agreed to vote on). At step (2), the max promise becomes 2. When A recieves P1's accept request in step (3) it will reject it because the accept request is from round 1 (this information is communicated in the accept request).


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