Problem: Given a collection $S$ containing $|S|=n$ rectangles defined by dimensions $(x,y)\in R^2$ (width and height of rectangles are real numbers), find the rectangles with the minimum area ($A_i = x_i * y_i$) where $(x_i \geq a)$ and $(y_i \geq b$) for any $(a,b) \in R^2$.
The naive solution $F(S,a,b)$ will solve this with $O(n)$ runtime complexity and $O(1)$ memory complexity: loop through all the rectangles that are larger than the minimum required values $(a,b)$ for $(x,y)$, remember the one with the smallest area $x*y$ and return that. This requires no preparation or indexing of any kind, just a simple loop (sorting according to area beforehand won't improve the $O(n)$ worst-case runtime complexity).
Can this problem be solved with an algorithm with faster than $O(n)$ runtime complexity and up to O(n) memory complexity?