$\newcommand\ldotd{\mathinner{..}}$Given that $A[1\ldotd n]$ are integers such that $0\le A[k]\le m$ for all $1\le k\le n$, and the occurrence of each number except a particular number in $A[1\ldotd n]$ is an odd number. Try to find the number whose occurrence is an even number.
There is an $\Theta(n\log n)$ algorithm: we sort $A[1\ldotd n]$ into $B[1\ldotd n]$, and break $B[1\ldotd n]$ into many pieces, whose elements' value are the same, therefore we can count the occurrence of each element.
I want to find a worst-case-$O(n)$-time-and-$O(n)$-space algorithm.
Supposing that $m=\Omega(n^{1+\epsilon})$ and $\epsilon>0$, therefore radix sort is not acceptable. $\DeclareMathOperator{\xor}{xor}$ Binary bitwise operations are acceptable, for example, $A[1]\xor A[2]$.