Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy (KS) explains the mathematical concept behind KS entropy.
$$h ( T ) =\sup\limits_{\xi} \, h ( T , \xi )$$
defines the formula for KS where the left-hand side is nothing but the Shannon's entropy. In many papers I have seen that KS is defined as the supremum over source entropy. These conflicting views raises the following questions
- What is the difference between Shannon's entropy and source entropy (source entropy given by $\lim \frac{1}{n}\cdot h(T)$ where $n$ is the length of the word or sequence,unsure though).
Would source entropy be the entropy of the raw signal before it has been quantized or should it be that of the quantized?
Is 'n' the length of the data series or the number of quantization levels>
- Topological entropy (TS) explains topological entropy whose formula looks exactly as KS. So, what is the difference since KS is also known as metric entropy and not known as Topological entropy?