For Hoare's partitioning algorithm quicksort is implemented as such
quickSort(array, first, last)
if(last > first)
pivot = partition(array, first, last);
quickSort(array, first, pivot);
quickSort(array, pivot+1, last);
but Lomuto is
quickSort(array, first, last)
if(last > first)
pivot = partition(array, first, last);
quickSort(array, first, pivot-1);
quickSort(array, pivot+1, last);
Notice the first one doesn't have pivot-1. Is it correct to call these two the same implementations of the quicksort algorithm? I'm having trouble rapping my head around the difference, I thought quicksort worked on the premise that after one call to it the pivot is in it's final place (so do +1 and -1 for the rest of the array) but Hoare's method doesn't seem to work like this.