The pool ball weighing problem is a classic CS question thrown at students, typically to demonstrate a binary search (alternative to ripping phonebooks in half).
Pool Ball Problem: Given $n$ pool balls where exactly 1 weighs more than the rest, find that pool ball using a scale.
The common approach is to split the balls into two groups, then weighing each group. You can narrow it down to one ball in roughly $\log_2(n)$ rounds. You can modify the algorithm to change the resulting base of the logarithm. This can be done by changing how many groups the scale can weigh. For example, if you had a scale that determined the heaviest of 4 groups (plus sign shaped on a pivot), then you would only need roughly $\log_4(n)$ rounds.
Problem: Consider the pool ball weighing problem but allow us to grow the number of groups we can split the set of pool balls into.
Instead of using a scale that compares a predetermined constant number, $k$, of pool ball groups, suppose we are allowed to vary and modify it during execution. For example, you are allowed to start with a split into 2 groups, then 3 groups next round, then 4, etc. It is not bounded apriori. Let's say that comparing $k$ groups takes $O(k)$ time. As a result, we know the heaviest of the $k$ groups or know if they weigh the same. If we grow the number of splits with each successive round, then we would require much fewer than $log(n)$ weigh-ins. There are divisibility issues that come up when doing the splits, but assume they are trivial to resolve.
$f(i) = \text{# of splits in $i^{\text{th}}$ round}$ (This is a positive, increasing function. We are required to spend the time/space to compute this.)
Let $t_f(i)$ be the time complexity of computing $f(i)$ given $\langle f(1), \dots, f(i-1)\rangle$ or subset of.
$N(i) = \begin{cases} n & \text{if } i = 0 \\ \frac{N(i-1)}{f(i)} & \text{if } i \geq 1 \end{cases} = \text{# of pool balls after round $i$}$
We narrow our search down to one ball in $j$ rounds when: $N(i) = 1 \geq \frac{n}{f(1)\cdot f(2)\cdot \dots \cdot f(j)}$
Or alternatively:
$\prod_{k=0}^{j}f(k) \geq n$ for some $j(n)$ dependent on $f$
Question: What can we say for the optimal time complexity of this algorithm? What are some properties of an optimal $f(i)$ we should expect? I realize this heavily depends on which models of computation we use (computing a fast growing $f$ can be expensive on some models while cheap on others). I'm willing to be reasonably flexible and not picky about it. Perhaps you guys could suggest a fruitful/interesting choice. For instance, the undergrad version of the problem trivializes the complexity by ignoring the complexity of grouping the balls together and probably considers $+, \times$ to take constant time.
The tricky part here is to pick a fast growing $f(i)$ that does not end up becoming too expensive to compute. The faster a chosen $f$ grows, the more that the time complexity decreases. On the flip side, the longer $f$ takes to compute, the longer the algorithm ends up running. We're looking for ways to balance these two.
Example: I could simply increment the number of groups I split the pool balls into each round. Here, $f(i) = i + 1$. The total number of uses of the scale is $O(\Gamma^{-1}(n))$ (inverse factorial). The overall asymptotic time complexity is $(2+3+\dots+\Gamma^{-1}(n)) + \Gamma^{-1}(n) = O\left( \binom{\Gamma^{-1}(n)}{2} \right)$ (this takes into account the time complexity of handling the k-scale and incrementing the number of rounds each time). I'm assuming integer addition is a constant time operation.