Given words $w_1,\ldots,w_n$ in binary alphabet and another word $w$, decide if $w$ can be written as a product $w = w_{i_1} \cdots w_{i_n}$ (in the monoid $\{0,1\}^\ast$) for some permutation of indices.
Is this a known problem? Is it NP-complete?
The words $w_1,\dots,w_n$ are part of the input. Therefore, there is no a priori upper bound on $n$, $|w_i|$, or $|w|$. However, we may assume that $|w|=\sum |w_i|$.
If we restrict the problem to instances with $|w_i|\le k$ (where $k$ is a fixed constant), we obtain a new problem $WT_k$. $WT_k$ belongs to $P$. It's possible to build a polynomial-time algorithm for $WT_k$, using dynamic programming. Indeed, in this case the number of different words $w_i$ is bounded by $2^k$. Hence any sequence $\{w_1,\ldots,w_n\}$ can be encoded by a $2^k$-tuple of integers (an element of $\mathbb{Z}^{2^k}$). It is convenient to assume that $w_i\ne \varepsilon$.
Now with every initial segment $w'$ of $w$ we associate a set of tuples in $\mathbb{Z}^{2^k}$ that describe sequences of $w_i$'s resulting in $w'$. For instance, with $\varepsilon$ we associate a single tuple $(0,\ldots,0)$ and $\varepsilon$ is considered processed. Then for every processed segment $w'$ we go over its tuples and see which ones we can append to $w'$ (which $w_i$'s are still available). For instance, if $w' w_i$ gives another initial segment $w''$ of $w$ then we add the corresponding tuple for $w''$. Eventually, all initial segments will be covered. Here it is crucial that $k$ is fixed, as it ensures that the sets of tuples associated with every $w'$ is polynomially bounded (with a very large degree).
I suspect that the general problem is NP-complete and I'd appreciate any suggestions.
Clearly the problem can be viewed as a sort of a bounded Post correspondence problem with a fixed collection of pairs $(w,\varepsilon),(\varepsilon,w_1),\ldots,(\varepsilon,w_n)$. Not sure if this helps, though.
Clearly, the restriction to a binary alphabet is irrelevant. One can work with any countable alphabet. Need to be careful though: the item 2 does not hold when the alphabet is unbounded.