
Let's say I have a struct_declaration_list of the following type. How do I reverse it?

    : struct_declaration
    | struct_declaration_list struct_declaration

P.S. Sorry I don't know the exact name of this kind of list so I can't search. I just have this grammar.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ What do you mean by "reverse"? Could you give some examples? $\endgroup$
    – svick
    Nov 21, 2014 at 14:23
  • $\begingroup$ @svick Probably too late. I've got a similar confusion as OP. My interpretation of "reverse" is that: given a grammar rule (such as the one in the Q) that defines the order of evaluation in the form of self-recursion, how to obtain a sequential list where elements are in the order of the defined order of evaluation. $\endgroup$
    – DannyNiu
    Mar 24 at 9:24

1 Answer 1


Your question is not very precise. I assume you want the list of struct_declaration to start from the other end in the parse tree.

Your grammar gives you a struct_declaration_list that looks like

        /   \
      SDL    SD
     /   \
   SDL   SD
  /   \

If you reverse the order in the second part of the rule, you reverse "the pointers" in the list, which may be understood as reversing the order.

    : struct_declaration
    | struct_declaration struct_declaration_list

Then the parse tree looks like:

  /   \
     /   \
    SD   SDL
        /   \
       SD   SDL

The left-to-right order of SD is in both cases that of their occurrence in the input string (the program).

  • $\begingroup$ This would flip the order of evaluation if the rule is intended as a self-recursion definition. I've added a comment under OP explaining my interpretation of the problem OP's facing. $\endgroup$
    – DannyNiu
    Mar 24 at 9:27

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