Let $\mathcal G = (\mathcal V, \mathcal A)$ be directed graph with associated edge costs $c_{i,j}$ that has at least one directed cycle.
Define the directed cycle mean cost to be $\frac {\{\text {sum of cost of arcs}\}} { \text {# arcs}}$.
Consider the LP:
$\max \lambda$
s.t: $p_i + \lambda \le p_j + c_{i,j}$ where $(i,j)\in \mathcal A$.
I've shown:
The LP is feasible.
If $(\lambda,p)$ is a feasible solution then the directed cycle mean cost of every directed cycle is at least $\lambda$.
The LP has an optimal solution (doesn't contain a line and $\lambda$ can't be greater than the maximum cost).
Now, I want to show given an optimal solution to the LP, it can be used to construct a directed cycle with minimal directed cycle mean cost.
I really don't have a clue on how to proceed. I don't see how an optimal solution give me the required information ?