I've been trying to make a CFG, a pushdown automaton and a regular expression for the language
$\qquad L(M) = \{ww : w \in \{a, b\}^*, |w| \text{ is even}\}$.
I understand how the reverse of the string work, that is
$\qquad L' = \{ ww^R : w \in \{a, b\}^*\}$,
what i am asking for is to do it this way , i have already solved (L') : http://i921.photobucket.com/albums/ad53/Johann_1990/IMG_20150117_132616.jpg
but is there is a way to solve this one too?
$\qquad L(M) = \{ww : w \in \{a, b\}^*, |w| \text{ is even}\}$.
For example, $abaaba \in L$ with $w = aba$.