One of the problems with Newton's method is that it requires a division operation in each iteration, which is the slowest basic integer operation.
Newton's method for the reciprocal square root, however, doesn't. If $x$ is the number for which you want to find $\frac{1}{\sqrt x}$, iterate:
$$r_{i+1} = \frac{1}{2} r_i (3 - x r_i^2)$$
This is often expressed as:
$$w_i = r_i^2$$
$$d_i = 1 - w_i x$$
$$r_{i+1} = r_i + \frac{r_i d_i}{2}$$
That's three multiplication operations. The division by two can be implemented as a shift-right.
Now the problem is that $r$ is not an integer. However, you can manipulate it as such by implementing floating-point manually, and doing a bunch of shift operations to compensate when appropriate.
First, let's rescale $x$:
$$x' = 2^{-2e} x$$
where we would like $x'$ to be greater than, but close to, $1$. If we run the above algorithm on $x'$ instead of $x$, we find $r = \frac{1}{\sqrt x'}$. Then, $\sqrt{x} = 2^e r x'$.
Now let's split $r$ into a mantissa and exponent:
$$r_i = 2^{-e_i} r'_i$$
where $r'_i$ is an integer. Intuitively, $e_i$ represent the precision of the answer.
We know that Newton's method roughly doubles the number of accurate significant digits. So we can choose:
$$e_{i+1} = 2e_i$$
With a little manipulation, we find:
$$e_{i+1} = 2e_i$$
$$w_i = {r'_i}^2$$
$$x'_i = \frac{x}{2^{2e - e_{i+1}}}$$
$$d_i = 2^{e_{i+1}} - \frac{w_i' x'_i}{2^{e_{i+1}}}$$
$$r'_{i+1} = 2^{e_i} r'_i - \frac{r'_i d_i}{2^{e_i + 1}}$$
At every iteration:
$$\sqrt{x} \approx \frac{r'_i x}{2^{e + e_i}}$$
As an example, let's try calculating the square root of $x = 2^{63}$. We happen to know that the answer is $2^{31}\sqrt{2}$. The reciprocal square root is $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} 2^{-31}$, so we'll set $e = 31$ (this is the scale of the problem) and for our initial guess we'll pick $r'_0 = 3$ and $e_0 = 2$. (That is, we pick $\frac{3}{4}$ for our initial estimate to $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}$.)
$$e_1 = 4, r'_1 = 11$$
$$e_2 = 8, r'_2 = 180$$
$$e_3 = 16, r'_3 = 46338$$
$$e_4 = 32, r'_4 = 3037000481$$
We can work out when to stop iterating by comparing $e_i$ to $e$; if I've calculated correctly, $e_i > 2e$ should be good enough. We'll stop here, though, and find:
$$\sqrt{2^{63}} \approx \frac{3037000481 \times 2^{63}}{2^{31+32}} = 3037000481$$
The correct integer square root is $3037000499$, so we're pretty close. We could do another iteration, or do an optimised final iteration which doesn't double $e_i$. The details are left as an exercise.
To analyse the complexity of this method, note that multiplying two $b$-bit integers takes $O(b \log b)$ operations. However, we have arranged things so that $r'_i < 2^{e_i}$. So the multiplication to calculate $w_i$ multiplies two $e_i$-bit numbers to produce a $e_{i+1}$-bit number, and the other two multiplications multiply two $e_{i+1}$-bit numbers to produce a $2e_{i+1}$-bit number.
In each case, the number of operations per iteration is $O(e_i \log e_i)$, and there are $O(\log e)$ iterations required. The final multiplication is on the order of $O(2e \log 2e)$ operations. So the overall complexity is $O(e \log^2 e)$ operations, which is sub-quadratic in the number of bits in $x$. That ticks all the boxes.
However, this analysis hides an important principle which everyone working with large integers should keep in mind: because multiplication is superlinear in the number of bits, any multiplication operations should only be performed on integers which have the roughly the magnitude of the current precision (and, I might add, you should try to multiply numbers together which have a similar order of magnitude). Using integers larger than that is a waste of effort. Constant factors matter, and for large integers, they matter a lot.
As a final observation, two of the multiplications are of the form $\frac{ab}{2^c}$. Clearly it's wasteful to compute the all the bits of $ab$ only to throw $c$ of them away with a right-shift. Implementing a smart multiplication method which takes this into account is also left as an exercise.