Below I am using a DFA transition function that is extended to accept words instead of just symbols. Let's say it is given that the following information is true:
$$\delta(q_0, 0^3) = \delta(q_0, 0^6)$$
Using this information it can easily be proven that:
$$\delta(q_0, 0^6) = \delta(q_0, 0^{15})$$
is also true.
However let's say we have the same information about a NFA and not a DFA, so that in a NFA we know that the following is true:
$$\delta(q_0, 0^3) = \delta(q_0, 0^6)$$
The question is:
Given that I cannot extend the transition function to accept words in an NFA, (because in an NFA the transition function produces a set)
how do I go about proving that
$$\delta(q_0, 0^6) = \delta(q_0, 0^{15})$$
must also hold true for this NFA?
Is defining a new transition function that takes a set of states and a word and returns another set good way to do so?