Just adding to the answer of D.W.. Following is a simple example of a graph network that contains an exponential number of $(s,t)$ min cuts.
Let the vertex set be $V = \{s\} \cup \{u_{1},\dotsc,u_{n}\} \cup \{v_1,\dotsc,v_n\} \cup \{t\}$. Let the edges set contains the directed edges $(s,u_{i})$, $(u_{i},v_{i})$, and $(v_{i},t)$ for each $i \in \{1,\dotsc,n\}$. Therefore, there are total $3 n$ edges. Each edge has capacity $1$.
The max-flow on this network is $n$.
The min-cut cut obtained using Ford-Fulkerson algorithm is $\left(\{s\}, V \setminus \{s\}\right)$.
There are other $(s,t)$ min cuts in the graph as follows. Let $C = (S,T)$ be a cut such that $S$ contains the vertex $s$ and all the vertices in the set $\{u_1,\dotsc,u_n\}$. It is optional to include a vertex $v_{i}$ in the set $S$. The remaining vertices, i.e., $V \setminus S$ belongs to $T$. Any such cut has a capacity $n$. Therefore, it is a min-cut. Since there are $2^n$ choices of including $v_{i}'s$, the total number of min-cuts are $2^n \in 2^{O|V|}$. Hence, we get an exponential number of min-cuts.