
Is this language Context Free?

$L=\{a^{n+3} b^{2m} \mid n \neq m \}$

I think that I could split the languages into $L_1$ and $L_2$ with the conditions $n<m$ and $n>m$, provide 2 CF grammars and then to make the union. But I don't know how to put the condition $n<m$ to the grammar or how to think about the conditions. Thank you!

  • $\begingroup$ Similar question. Hint: it may be easier to construct a PDA. $\endgroup$
    – Raphael
    Commented Jun 16, 2015 at 6:28

1 Answer 1


Idea: Construct a Grammar fragment for $a^nb^(2n)$. Complement it with rules that break the symmetry.

1: L -> aaaX

2: X -> aXbb   // So far, the subsequence of terminals does not belong to L. 
               // The next two rules break the symmetry. 
3: X -> aP
4: X -> Qbb

5: P -> aP  | epsilon
6: Q -> Qbb | epsilon

Proof sketch

The grammar is clearly context-free.

The correctness can be proven eg. by induction over possible derivations. The intuition is simple:

  • Each derivation starts with applying rule 1 followed by an arbitrary number of. applications of rule 2. At each step of this derivation, the current item matches a^3a^nXb^(2n); n >= 0. In particular, n=min the nomenclature of the problem statement.

  • After application of any one of the rules 3 and 4, non-terminals will only ever expand into sequences of either a or b.

  • At least on application of rule 3 or 4 is necessary to complete a derivation.

The very first application of 3/4 introduces the imbalance between a and bb in the terminal string. After passing that 'trapdoor', this imbalance will never be offset, since only the 'right' terminals will be produced henceforth.


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