I most often see complexity applied to optimization problems. There are then two measures for the "size" of a problem: the number $n$ of variables for which optimal values must be determined, and $L$, the number of bits used to represent the problem instance.
Then a problem in P has operation count that is bounded above by a polynomial in $n$ and $L$, in other words, there exist constants $c$, $j$ and $k$ such that, for $n$ and $L$ sufficiently large, the number of operations needed to solve the problem is less than or equal to $cn^jL^k$. On the other hand, there are provably exponential problems (this does not, at present, include NP), for which there exist problems for which the operation count exceeds $Ce^{L+n}$. If $n$ and $L$ are large enough, this will dominate $cn^jL^k$. Of course, $j$ and $k$ may be large, e.g., $j=1000$, in which case this is a theoretical distinction only.
However, experience has shown that once a problem or problem class was shown to be in P, the exponents were quickly lowered. For instance, in 1979 Khachian described an algorithm to solve linear programs that had complexity O($n^6L^2$). Just five years later Karmarkar lowered that to O($n^{3.5}L^2$). Khachian's method is not really useful for computations, but Karmarkar's method is. Hence there is a general expectation that once a problem has been proven to be in P, even with a large exponent on $n$, algorithmic improvements and new approaches will lower the exponent. In addition, no problem in P has been identified to date where the exponent truly was large. (I seem to remember reading about problems for which $j=12$.)