This is the problem:
$d_{T}(v)$ denotes the degree of a vertex in a spanning tree $T$ and $w: V \rightarrow R^+$ is a weight function defined on vertices.
The goal is an algorithm that finds a spanning tree which minimizes the value $\sum_{v \in V}{d_{T}(v)*w(v)}$.
My idea is to define a new weight function on edges in the following way: $m(e_{ij})=w(v_i)+w(v_j)$, i.e. the weight of each edge is the weight of both of its vertices.
Then we run Kruskal on a graph with the given $m$ weight function. The problem is that I have no idea how to prove that it works.
I thought about starting with the expression $min \sum_{e \in E}{m(e)}$ which Kruskal yields, and then somehow change the summation to be over vertices. How can it be done?