We know CLIQUE and HALF-CLIQUE problems are NP-complete. Now consider the class of graphs (let's call it $\mathcal{G}_{2K}$) where a graph $G=(V,E)$ is a member of $\mathcal{G}_{2K}$ iff $G$ has two SEPARATE cliques $K_1$ and $K_2$ of size $\dfrac{N}{2}$ (where $|V| = N$). My speculation is that $\mathcal{G}_{2K}$ is in NP and the corresponding existential problem is NP-complete, but I can't find any reduction form any well-known NP-complete problem.
Hence the question is: Is $\mathcal{G}_{2K}$ in P or it's NP-complete?
The question I asked is equivalent to these two questions: 1. Given graph $G=(V,E)$ and integer $k$, can we partition the vertices into two disjoint cliques of size $k$ and $|V|-k$. 2. Given graph $G=(V,E)$ can we partition the vertices into two independent sets of size $k$ and $|V|-k$?