I think you are mistaken, they are needed but the dot look-ahead there is so obvious that you have not paid attention to the fact it is used.
First, let's remark that there are three kinds of items:
those in which the dot is just before a non-terminal. They never participate in an ambiguous situation: when a non-terminal has been produced, it is shifted.
those in which the dot is at the end. They have the item look-ahead and the dot look-ahead which are equal (what may follow the dot is what may follow the produced non-terminal when the production is reduced as the dot is at the end of the item).
those in which the dot is just before a terminal. They have the item look-ahead and the dot look-ahead which are different. The item look-ahead is what may follow the non-terminal when the production is reduced, the dot look-ahead start by the terminal which follow the dot and continue with what can be generated after that terminal.
Now, with a look-ahead of 1 or less, the dot look-ahead is trivial: either it is the item look-ahead or the terminal which is just after the dot and that's what you are using to solve a conflict (or decide that there is no way with the limited look-ahead you have). With a look-ahead of 2 or more, you have to compute the dot look-head or you may not know if you have to shift or to reduce as in the example provided by Grune and Jacobs:
S \rightarrow Aa \; | \; Bb \;| \;Cec \;|\; Ded \\
A \rightarrow qE \\
B \rightarrow qE \\
C \rightarrow q \\
D \rightarrow q \\
E \rightarrow e \\
which has the state:
&\textrm{item look-ahead}&\textrm{dot look-ahead}\\
A \rightarrow q \cdot E & a\# & ea\\
B \rightarrow q \cdot E & b \# & eb\\
C \rightarrow q \cdot & ec & ec\\
D \rightarrow q \cdot & ed & ed\\
E \rightarrow \cdot e & a \# & ea\\
E \rightarrow \cdot e & b \# & eb\\