Let $D=(V,E)$ be a finite directed graph with no isolated nodes(from every node there is at least one edge entering and one exiting). For $v \in V$ define the following sets: $$v^+= \left\{w \in V|(v,w)\in E \right\}, v^-= \left\{w \in V|(w,v)\in E \right\}$$
For some $S \subseteq V$ we have, $S^+= \bigcup_{v \in S} v^+, S^-= \bigcup_{v \in S} v^-$.
Now define two related graphs, $G_{cp}=(V,E_{cp}),G_{ce}=(V,E_{ce})$ such that for two distinct nodes $v,w \in V$ we have $vw \in E_{cp}$ iff $v^+ \cap w^+ \neq \emptyset$ (we identify this by condition $C(p)$, and $vw \in E_{ce}$ iff $v^- \cap w^- \neq \emptyset$ (condition $C'(p)$ (The notations cp and ce come from "common prey" and "common enemy" )
Let $B_1,B_2,...,B_p$ be the sets of nodes of the connected components of $G_{cp}$ and $A_1,A_2,...,A_k$ be the set of connected components of $G_{ce}$. Obviously those sets are two partitions of $V$
Prove that $(B^+_1,B^+_2,...,B^+_p)$ and $(A^-_1,A^-_2,...,A^-_k)$ represent partitions of $V$. Also prove that $p=k$ (that is both graphs have the same number of connected components).
To prove the first part I thought about taking some arbitrary $v \in V$ and than proving that $v$ is in $(B^+_1,B^+_2,...,B^+_p)$. Then a proof by contradiction may be required to complete the first part, but I can't quite seem to make the connection. I don't even know how to start proving $p=k$. Could you help, give me some hints that I miss or something?
So, after some research, it seems that $G_{cp}$ is a competition graph.