It's obviously not harder than factoring, because you can solve the problem by factoring N into primes, and taking pairs of prime factors. So trying all squares less than N is quite bad.
The question is whether we can solve this faster than factoring, which depends on the algorithm used.
For factoring using the naive algorithm, you would check if any primes up to $N^{1/2}$ divide N. But here we only need to check primes up to $N^{1/3}$: If there are no factors up to $N^{1/3}$ then N is prime or the product of two primes. So N is square free unless it is the square of a prime, which is easy to check. So you can solve the problem in $O(N^{1/3})$ instead of $O(N^{1/2})$ using the most basic factoring algorithm.
The Pollard-rho algorithm finds the smallest factor in $(p^{1/2})$ where p is the smallest factor. You use this to try to find factors. In the original Pollard-rho algorithm, once you have done about $N^{1/4}$ iterations of the algorithm, you can say "if there was a factor then I would have found it by now" and check whether N is a prime using some primality test. For this problem, you would say after $N^{1/6}$ iterations "if there was a square factor and another factor than I would have found a factor by now". So then you check if N is a square or a prime. Unfortunately, if N is the product of two large primes, Pollard-rho tells you quite quickly that N is very likely to be square free, in $O(N^{1/6})$, but a proof will take $O(N^{1/4})$.
And there's a link showing that for the fastest known factoring algorithm, looking for squares is not any faster.