Say that a class $C_1$ is superior to a class $C_2$ if there is a machine $M_1$ in class $C_1$ such that for every machine $M_2$ in class $C_2$ and every large enough $n$, there is an input of size between $n$ and $n^2$ on which $M_1$ and $M_2$ answer differently.
Is DTIME($n^{1.1}$) superior to DTIME($n$)?
Is NTIME($n^{1.1}$) superior to NTIME($n$)?
This is an exercise from book Computational Complexity: A Modern Approach. But I have no idea to handle it. Does it have relationship with theorem that DTIME$(n)$ $\subsetneqq$ DTIME($n^{1.5}$)?