I understand that in a D latch, whenever the clock signal is high, Q matches D, and while the clock signal is low, it holds the previous state of D. For a D flip-flop, Q will hold whatever value D is at the exact moment C goes high, and will hold that same state until C goes high again. I am able to draw the clock diagram and identify these circuits. But I am not understanding the purpose of these components in a high level context.
- What exactly does the D latch and D flip-flop do? (Differences and similarity)
- From my understanding, it is to be able to "store" a bit value, but if that's the case, why not use an SR latch?
Edit: I have seen the following post. However, my question is a little more specific. I am asking specifically about a D latch/flip-flop. I also want to be able to differentiate how this is different from a SR latch, since it seems that their descriptions seem to do the same thing.