Does there exist an algorithm for which an exact complexity provably cannot be expressed in closed-form?
Here closed-form means a finite composition of addition, subtraction, product, division, factorial, power with any exponent, logarithm, trigonometric function, inverse trigonometric function, hyperbolic function, and inverse hyperbolic function. You may choose a subset of the above functions to allow in a closed-form expression; this makes the problem easier. However, the larger the set of allowed functions, the better, since this also answers the problem for the subsets.
Exact complexity is a function from the input-set to a real number. You may group the input by some property, and then study exact worst-case complexity instead (or exact best-case complexity).
Any computational model will do, as well as counting any resource (e.g. number of comparisons). To close off a trivial solution, a function without a closed-form expression cannot be a primitive operation of the computational model.
If yes, is there a simple example of such an algorithm?