Consider the following problem.
Let $S=\{1,2,\dots,n\}$, and $A_{ij}\subseteq S$ for $i,j\in S$. Does there exist a strict subset $T\subset S$ such that for all $j\not\in T$, there exists $i\in T$ for which $T\subseteq A_{ij}$?
(For $T=S$, this is trivially true, so we disallow it.)
The problem is in NP: given a set $T$, it is easy to verify whether it satisfies the property. Is it also NP-hard, or does there exist a polytime algorithm?
I tried to construct such a set $T$ greedily by starting with some $i\in S$. If $i\in A_{ij}$ for all $j\not\in i$, we can choose $T=\{i\}$ and are done. Otherwise, there is some $j$ for which $i\not\in A_{ij}$, so we can try adding $j$ into the set, and iterate on the new set $T=\{ij\}$ until the process stops. The problem is that there is no guarantee that this will stop before $T$ is the whole set $S$ even if such $T\neq S$ exists.
I also thought about dynamic programming, but it's not clear what the subproblems should be in this setting. On the NP-hardness side, I thought about reducing from some problems related to sets. There are problems like subset-sum or partition, but those concern sums of elements and are not directly relevant.