Fairy Chess (35 Points)
You have a $N \times N$ chess board. An $S$-leaper is a chess piece which can move from square $(x_1,y_1)$ on the board to any other square $(x_2,y_2)$ if $|x_1 - x_2| + |y_1 - y_2| \le S$. The chess board may also contain some pawns. The leaper cannot land on the same square as a pawn. In how many ways can a leaper move $M$ times on the board?
Input: The first line contains the number of test cases $T$. $T$ cases follow. Each case contains integers $N$, $M$ and $S$ on the first line. The next $N$ lines contains $N$ characters each. The $i$th character on the $j$th line is a
if the corresponding chess square is empty,P
if there is a pawn, orL
if the leaper is situated on that square.Output: For each case, output the number of ways the leaper can make $M$ moves. Output each answer modulo 1000000007.
Constraints: $$\begin{gather} 1 \le T \le 10 \\ 1 \le S \le N \le 200 \\ 1 \le M \le 200 \\ \end{gather}$$ There will be exactly one
character on the board.Sample Input:
3 4 1 1 .... .L.. .P.. .... 3 2 1 ... ... ..L 4 3 2 .... ...L ..P. P...
Sample Output:
4 11 385
I wrote a DP solution but with O(N^5).
Psuedocode for ways function:
ways(int X, int Y, int M) // (X,Y) current co-ordinates and M is number of moves to make
if(Memoize[X][Y][M] != -1) // != -1 means we already have the result
return Memoize[X][Y][M];
for all (u,v) such that |X-u| + |Y-v| <= S
sum += ways(u, v, M-1);
Memoize[X][Y][M] = sum;
return sum;
/* Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
long ways(long ***DP, char **Chess, int X, int Y, int S, int N, int M);
int main()
int T;
scanf("%d", &T);
int N, M, S;
scanf("%d", &N);
scanf("%d", &M);
scanf("%d", &S);
long ***DP = (long ***) malloc(sizeof(long **) * N);
int i,j,k;
char **Chess = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) *N);
int Xstart;
int Ystart; //printf("N=%dM=%dS=%d\n", N, M, S);
Chess[i] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) *N);
DP[i] = (long **)malloc(sizeof(long *) * N);
{ //printf("i=%dj=%d\n", i, j);
DP[i][j] = (long *)malloc(sizeof(long) *(M+1));
char a;
scanf(" %c", &a);
Xstart = i;
Ystart = j;
Chess[i][j] = a;
//printf("jf=%d\n", j);
DP[i][j][k] = -1;
DP[i][j][0] = 1;
printf("%ld\n", ways(DP, Chess, Xstart, Ystart, S, N, M));
long ways(long ***DP, char **Chess, int X, int Y, int s, int N, int M)
if(DP[X][Y][M] !=-1)
//printf("X=%d Y=%d M=%d Val=%ld\n", X, Y, M, DP[X][Y][M]);
return DP[X][Y][M];
long sum1 = 0;
int S,k;
sum1 += ways(DP, Chess, X, Y, s, N, M-1);
if(k!=0 && (S-k)!=0)
if(X+k<N && Y+(S-k) <N && Chess[X+k][Y+(S-k)] != 'P')
Chess[X+k][Y+(S-k)] = 'L';
Chess[X][Y] = '.';
sum1 += ways(DP, Chess, X+k, Y+(S-k), s, N, M-1);
Chess[X+k][Y+(S-k)] = '.';
Chess[X][Y] = 'L';
if(X+k<N && Y-(S-k)>=0 && Chess[X+k][Y-(S-k)] != 'P')
Chess[X+k][Y-(S-k)] = 'L';
Chess[X][Y] = '.';
sum1 += ways(DP, Chess, X+k, Y-(S-k), s, N, M-1);
Chess[X+k][Y-(S-k)] = '.';
Chess[X][Y] = 'L';
if(X-k>=0 && Y+(S-k) <N && Chess[X-k][Y+(S-k)] != 'P')
Chess[X-k][Y+(S-k)] = 'L';
Chess[X][Y] = '.';
sum1 += ways(DP, Chess, X-k, Y+(S-k), s, N, M-1);
Chess[X-k][Y+(S-k)] = '.';
Chess[X][Y] = 'L';
if(X-k>=0 && Y-(S-k) >=0 && Chess[X-k][Y-(S-k)] != 'P')
Chess[X-k][Y-(S-k)] = 'L';
Chess[X][Y] = '.';
sum1 += ways(DP, Chess, X-k, Y-(S-k), s, N, M-1);
Chess[X-k][Y-(S-k)] = '.';
Chess[X][Y] = 'L';
else if(k==0 && (S-k)!=0)
if(Y+(S-k)<N && Chess[X][Y+(S-k)] != 'P')
Chess[X][Y+(S-k)] = 'L';
Chess[X][Y] = '.';
sum1 += ways(DP, Chess, X, Y+(S-k), s, N, M-1);
Chess[X][Y+(S-k)] = '.';
Chess[X][Y] = 'L';
if(Y-(S-k)>=0 && Chess[X][Y-(S-k)] != 'P')
Chess[X][Y-(S-k)] = 'L';
Chess[X][Y] = '.';
sum1 += ways(DP, Chess, X, Y-(S-k), s, N, M-1);
Chess[X][Y-(S-k)] = '.';
Chess[X][Y] = 'L';
else if(k!=0 && (S-k)==0)
if(X+k<N && Chess[X+k][Y] != 'P')
Chess[X+k][Y] = 'L';
Chess[X][Y] = '.';
sum1 += ways(DP, Chess, X+k, Y, s, N, M-1);
Chess[X+k][Y] = '.';
Chess[X][Y] = 'L';
if(X-k>=0 && Chess[X-k][Y] != 'P')
Chess[X-k][Y] = 'L';
Chess[X][Y] = '.';
sum1 += ways(DP, Chess, X-k, Y, s, N, M-1);
Chess[X-k][Y] = '.';
Chess[X][Y] = 'L';
//printf("X=%d Y=%d M=%d Val=%ld\n", X, Y, M, sum);
DP[X][Y][M] = sum1;
return sum1;