I have to solve this using the substitution method.
Floor functions cannot be skipped.
IH: Assume that $T(k) \geq ck\log(k) $ for all $k \leq n$, where c is a constant.
IS: Must prove $T(k) \geq ck\log(k) $
\begin{align*} T(n) &= 2T(\left \lfloor{k/2}\right \rfloor ) + k\\ &\geq 2 c\left \lfloor{k/2}\right \rfloor\log(\left \lfloor{k/2}\right \rfloor) +k \end{align*}
We now have two cases: $k$ is even and $k$ is odd. It is easy to prove this case when $k$ is even, however I run into trouble when $k$ is odd.
When k is odd, $\lfloor k/2\rfloor = (k-1)/2$, which gives
\begin{align*} T(n)&\geq 2 c\tfrac{k-1}2\log(\tfrac{k-1}2) +k\\ &= c(k-1)\big(\log(k-1)-1\big) +k \qquad\qquad\text{(Since $\log2 = 1$)}\\ &= c\big(k\log (k-1) - k -\log(k-1) + 1\big) +k\\ &= ck\log (k-1) - ck -c\log(k-1) + c +k\\ &= ck\log k + ck\log\big(1-\tfrac{1}k\big) - ck -c\log(k-1) + c +k\,, \end{align*} where the last equality is because $\log(a-b) = \log\big(a\big(1-\tfrac{b}a\big)\big)$.
And here is where I am stuck. I have gotten the $ck\log k$, but cannot find the $c$ that will let me finish the problem.
Any help would be appreciated.