I'm completely stuck on Problem 4.10 of the Motwani-Raghavan Randomized Algorithms textbook. I don't want an answer, but hints may be helpful here. I understand the general Valiant scheme for the boolean hypercube but am unable to generalize to an arbitrary regular graph:
"Suppose we run Valiant’s scheme on an N-node network in which every node is of degree d; each packet first goes to a random destination chosen uniformly from all the nodes and then on to its final destination. Show that the expected number of steps for the completion of the first phase is $ \Omega\left(\frac{\log N}{d \log \log N} + \frac{\log N}{\log d}\right) $."
I understand that the diameter of any $d$-regular graph is always $O(N/d)$, but am not sure how the analysis would still work in this case as for the hypercube.
I have a feeling that the first term relates to the coupon collector's problem, but am completely unaware of how to get the second term.
Edit: Yuval in the comments essentially has a "workaround" proof that works, but isn't related to the scheme itself, and seems very unintended by the book authors. Is there another solution?