For the purposes of this proof we will assume that $\mathrm{USELESS}_{\mathrm{TM}}$ is decidable to display a contradiction.
Create TM $R$ that does the following:
- Converts TM $M$ to a pushdown automata $P$ with a relaxed stack (ie. no LIFO requirement). This is equivalent to a directed graph detailing the transition between $M$'s states.
- Mark the start state of $P$.
- From the start state commence a breadth-first search along each outbound edge marking each unmarked node.
- When the search terminates, if there are any unmarked nodes which match $q$, accept; otherwise reject.
Then create TM $S$ = "On input $$
- Create TM $R$ as shown above.
- Run $q$ on $R$.
- If $R$ returns accept, accept; if $R$ rejects, reject"
Thus, if $R$ is a decider for $\mathrm{USELESS}_{\mathrm{TM}}$ then $S$ is a decider for $A_{\mathrm{TM}}$ (the acceptance problem). Since $A_{\mathrm{TM}}$ is proven to be undecidable (see Michael Sipser Theory of Computation Theorem 4.11 on page 174), we have reached a contradiction. Therefore, the original hypothesis is incorrect and $\mathrm{USELESS}_{\mathrm{TM}}$ is undecidable.