Given a set of coins with different denominations $c1, ... , cn$ and a value v you want to find the least number of coins needed to represent the value v.
E.g. for the coinset 1,5,10,20 this gives 2 coins for the sum 6 and 6 coins for the sum 19.
My main question is: when can a greedy strategy be used to solve this problem?
Bonus points: Is this statement plain incorrect? (From: How to tell if greedy algorithm suffices for the minimum coin change problem?)
However, this paper has a proof that if the greedy algorithm works for the first largest denom + second largest denom values, then it works for them all, and it suggests just using the greedy algorithm vs the optimal DP algorithm to check it.
Ps. note that the answers in that thread are incredibly crummy- that is why I asked the question anew.