Objective: We want to generate a unique and reproducible identifier for a given slice of bytes and avoid collisions.
High-level idea: Compute $$fK := hash(k_1)\; and\; sK := hash(k_1^{-1})\; where\; k_i^{-1}\; is\; the\; reversed\; bitstring\; k_i$$
We then proceed to set, our identifier to be: $$<value\_of\_fK>\_<value\_of\_sK>$$
For two keys $$k_1\; and\; k_2,\; if\; hash(k_1) = hash(k_2)\; and\; hash(k_1^{-1}) = hashs(k_2^{-1})\; then\; k_1 = k_2$$
where our hash function is FNV1a.
Hypothesis: For any given input bitstring, we will have a unique identifier and no collisions.
I would like to have your input on this