How would you solve the following problem... Theres a table filled with data like this:
Data1: 50 51 48 55 50
Data2: 51 49 52 50 51
Data3: 49 53 50 51 48
Data4: 48 50 52 51 53
Data5: 47 50 51 54 49
Data6: 50 48 50 49 52
Data7: 51 50 51 49 51
Data8: 48 51 49 50 50
The goal is to create pairs from the table, based on similarity of the rows.
As i learned from the comments, it is matching, thx :)
A difference bigger than 3 is not allowed.
When values are close to each other, they should be paired, for example
Data2: 51 49 52 50 51
Data7: 51 50 51 49 51
have very close values and should be a paired/grouped. So if this is our first pair, what is the next one? And how to handle outliers (in the columns)? For example
Data1: 50 51 48 55 50
has in the fourth column the value 55. With the criteria no bigger difference than 3, the only possible companion is Data5:
Data5: 47 50 51 54 49
Data1: 50 51 48 55 50
But in cloumn 1 and 3 the delta is 3, so in the mean maybe it isnt such a good choice.
Outlier who couldnt be assigned because of the too big deviation, will not be considered. The algorithm has not to be efficient.
Maybe you can see that it is just not clear for me, how to check the data against each other. To match the best fitting rows together.
So to answer the question about the use: each datarow is one measured device. You need two devices for the signal reproduction. For the best reproduction result you need maximum coherence between those two. So perfect would be an ideal match. So the goal is to find the best matching devices in the table.
Maybe you can see that it is just not clear for me
If you (who else would you expect to?) can't pin down how to define a "distance" (sum off absolute differences/squares are somewhat common), try to describe its use: what is this grouping good for? $\endgroup$