
The problem and solution of interest is described here: What does > mean in this TAOCP solution?

Can anyone explain following points in that solution:

  1. How exactly we can build (x[i], x[i+2]) for 1 <= i <= N-2 ?
  2. What exactly means "merge G with it"? Provide exact algorithm for merging these two files.
  3. How steps 1-4 are executed? Is it:

    if (condition 1) {
    if (condition 2) {
    if (condition 3) {
    if (condition 4) {


    if (condition 1) {
    else if (condition 2) {
    else if (condition 3) {
    else if (condition 4) {


  • $\begingroup$ The title you have chosen is not well suited to representing your question. Please take some time to improve it; we have collected some advice here. Thank you! $\endgroup$
    – Raphael
    Commented Jan 24, 2017 at 18:44

1 Answer 1

  1. With a for loop that steps through the array and creates a new pair from the $i$th and $(i+2)$th elements, for each $i$.

  2. The same as the merge step in merge sort.

  3. There are no "otherwise"s in the statement in English, so there should be no else statements.

  • $\begingroup$ possible to explain with an example of sorting {(b,c),(a,b),(d,e),(c,d)}? $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 25, 2017 at 17:09

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