Is true that $L_1 = \{01^*0\}$ is $m$-complete in the class of decidable languages?
$L_1$ is defined as:
$$L_1 = \{01^*0\} := \{01^n0: n \in \mathbb{N}\}$$
Definition of a $m$-complete language:
A language $L^*$ is $m$-complete in the class of decidable language, if for any decidable language $L$ we have that $L \leq_m L^*$ (that is, $L$ reduces to $L^*$).
I'm really new in this realm, so I'm quite lost about how to tackle this exercise.
I'm not sure if my approach is correct but I was trying to prove that the statement is not true by using a reduction from the Busy Beaver Function to $L_1$ (then, from this reduction and from $L_1$ being decidable we would have that BB problem is decidable, which is not possible).
Let $A$ be the algorithm deciding $L_1$ and $w \in L_1$ a word with $|w| = m$ ones. Now when running $A$ on $w \in L_1$ we keep track of the number of steps $t$ it made just before halting. Since $t = m|\Gamma|^m|Q|$, where $\Gamma$ is the set of tape symbols and $Q$ is the set of states. From here we can find the number $|Q|$ of states required for printing $|w| = m$ ones...
I stopped here because I feel there is already something wrong.
First, even is we find that number $|Q|$ for which $A$ performed $t$ steps before $A(w) = \text{Accept}$, that does not necessarily mean that $|w| = m$ ones could have been achieved with a TM with lesser number of states. Second, ''knowing'' the numbers of ones I'm determining the numbers of states and not the other way around, which is as $BB$ is defined.
Another alternative I was exploring was, on input $w$, to run all TM's $T_1, ... T_n$, that return $|w| = m$ ones. Then we record the input $w$ and the description of the machine $T_i,\ (i \in [1,n])$, that had the least number of states. If we do this $\forall w \in L_1$, we end up with a UTM $T'$, such that:
$$T' = \{ \langle T^*, w\rangle: |Q|_{T^*} = \mathrm{min}(|Q|_{T_1}, ..., |Q|_{T_n}\ \text{}\}$$
Then clearly $T'$ decides $L_1$ (just have to run it on input $w \in L_1$) and at the same time allows us to compute $BB(n)$ for a fixed $n \in \mathbb{N}$ (since $n$ is encoded in the description of $T^*$).
Probably here there are some flaws in my reasoning, but in this case, do I have to wait that, on input $w$, all those TM's reach a halt or can I assume that the first machine that halted is the one with the least number of states?
I'd appreciate any help.