Left- and right-linear grammars define regular languages, and it is straight-forward to convert the grammar into a form appropriate to build an NFA which can recognise the language.
That doesn't say anything about the ease of parsing the grammar, in the sense that parsing transforms a string into a parse tree which relates the various syntactic parts of the string. While we can prove that the regular language can be recognised in linear time and constant space, we cannot say much about the parse tree because there is no guarantee that the parse tree for a given string is unique. In other words, left- and right-linear grammars can be, and often are, ambiguous.
What we can say is that the transformation from left- to right-linear form does not preserve the parse tree; if the intention was to build a particular parse of each string, then the transformation will not help us.
Left-linear grammars cannot be parsed with an LL(k) parser, because no left-recursive grammar can be. However, there is no guarantee that the transformed right-linear grammar will be amenable to LL(k) parsing.
Either a left- or a right-linear grammar might be LR(1), although there are no guarantees. (But every LL(k) grammar is LR(k) so a grammar which is not LR(1) is also not LL(1).) If the intention is to parse, and not just recognise, it seems reasonable to use a grammar which actually reflects the intended syntactic structure, to the extent possible given the constraints of different parsing algorithms.
While it is evident that there are people who feel that their failure to understand the LR parsing algorithm somehow makes it less valuable (or even "evil"), that is not borne out by any objective metric: LR(k) parsers run in linear time and space, just like LL(k) parsers, and can be constructed in polynomial time if the grammar is LR(k). There are readily available tools which will compute the necessary tables for an LR(1) parser, and the parsing algorithm itself, given the tables, is just a few lines of simple code.
manages to converge accurately to the correct value, but that does not mean that I'm going to avoid exponentiating anything other than integer powers. $\endgroup$