In propositional logic (Artificial intelligence to be specific) $\alpha$ entails $\beta$ iff $\alpha\Rightarrow\beta$ is a statement. However if I write the truth table for implies ($\Rightarrow$) if $\alpha$ is false implies that $\beta$ is a true sentence as shown in the table below in the fourth row.
\begin{array}{cc|c} \alpha & \beta & \alpha\Rightarrow \beta\\ \hline T & T & T\\ T & F & F\\ F & T & T\\ F & F & T \end{array}
Now this should be false according to the model checking approach, since there could be models in which $\alpha$ is false but $\beta$ is true given that $\alpha$ entails $\beta$. This is further supported by the book on artificial intelligence by Peter Norvig that states that $\alpha\vDash\beta$ iff M$(\alpha)\subseteq M(\beta)$, where $M(\alpha)$ is the set of all models where $\alpha$ is true.