
I studied algorithm for converting grammars to GNF and was wondering about a proof that any CFG can be converted into GNF. I found this paper - ENGELFRIET, Joost. An Elementary Proof of Double Greibach Normal Form, 1992, but I do not understand the proof at all.

Any CFG can be converted into CNF, so we try to prove that any grammar in CNF can be converted into GNF.

At first, a grammar H (not GNF, but can be easily converted into GNF by substitution and by removing rules containing empty string) is constructed from original CNF denoted G as follows:

1) for rules Y → a $$ A \rightarrow a[Y,A] $$ 2) for rules C → DQ $$ [D, A] \rightarrow Q[C, A] $$ 3) $$ [A, A] \rightarrow \epsilon $$

Than there are mentioned two statements about this new grammar. These statements are essential for the proof, because they show that the grammar H is equivalent to G. And I do not know why they are right:

$$ ([Y,A] \rightarrow^*_H w) \iff (A \rightarrow ^*_G Y w) $$ and $$ (A \rightarrow^*_H w) \iff (A \rightarrow ^*_G w) $$

There is also written that these statements can be shown by induction. I tried to prove them but it seems to me that to prove one of them, I also need to prove the second. So I am stuck at cycle.

Could somebody please explain it to me?

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Welcome to CS.SE! Can you edit the question to give a self-contained definition of the notation? Also, can you give a full reference for the paper (title, authors, where published), so that others who have a question about the same paper and search on it find this, and so that the question still makes sense even if the link stops working? Thanks! $\endgroup$
    – D.W.
    Commented May 1, 2017 at 15:32
  • $\begingroup$ These look like some central claims (you can derive $w$ in one grammar if and only of you can derive it in the other). Taking them out of context makes them impossible to make sense of. Be more specific: which step of the proof don't you understand? $\endgroup$
    – Raphael
    Commented May 1, 2017 at 15:50
  • $\begingroup$ I just do not understand why should the two mentioned statements are right, everything other makes me sense. I tried to prove it as they said. The second says that the grammars G and H are equivalent (right?), so I would guess that I really need to prove the first statement to prove the second, but it is not obvious to me how to prove the first one (without the second of course) $\endgroup$
    – Patapuf
    Commented May 1, 2017 at 16:12

1 Answer 1


The textbook proofs of Greibach NF I have seen, contain endless substitutions. This way to construct GrNF is much crisper.

The key is to understand what the nonterminal $[Y,A]$ actually represents. It means a derivation that has a leftward "backbone" which starts from $A$ and ends just before $Y$, as in the picture below.

derivation "[Y,A]"

Now the first production in $H$ can be explained as follows. If I start with $A$ and want to produce GrNF then I must generate a terminal. We choose to generate the leftmost terminal $a$ of the subtree under $A$. So, we produce $a$, but we still must find a derivation $[Y,A]$ of the form in the picture, where $Y$ is the nonterminal that actually produces $a$ using the available production $Y\to a$.


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