The language $A_{PTM}$ is defined as the acceptance problem on a Probabilistic Turing machine.
$A_{PTM}=$ { $<M, x> | M$ on input $x$ accepts with an error probability less than or equal to 1/3}
Basically, given a probabilistic Turing machine $P$ and string $x$, a decider $D$ simulates $P$ on $x$ and outputs accept if $P$ accepts on $x$, and rejects otherwise.
I claim $A_{PTM}$ is BPP-hard because BPP is the class of languages which are accepted a success probability of at least $2/3$. If the PTM for any BPP language is given as an argument to the decider $D$, then it will output accept if the PTM it was passed accepts, and reject otherwise. I know this is far from a formal proof, but I am just trying to understand the idea. Is this correct?